Hcpc registered podiatrist treating your foot pain in Kent
Verruca Treatment Kent
Find out what the most successful verruca treatments are - Podiatrist Recommended
When you visit our FootHouse clinic in Kent, Our Podiatrist will assess your verruca and help you select the right Verruca treatment for you depending on your age, medical history and how big, how many and location of your verrucae.
Verruca Treatments Available at FootHouse in Cheriton Kent:

Verrutop is a new type of verruca/ wart treatment. Unlike Cryotherapy or other chemical treatments, Verrutop does not act by freezing or burning the tissue. Instead it denatures the viral protein and desiccates the wart tissue, which then falls off the skin, leaving intact skin underneath. Treatment is normally quick and painless. Book Verruca Assessment.
Verrucae Needling is carried out under a local anesthetic, and has our highest success rate, when treating stubborn verruca. It usually only requires one treatment and works by penetrating the verrucae and stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and fight the viral infection. Your Podiatrist will assess your verruca and medical history before treatment under a local anesthetic can be booked. ​2-3 days after the procedure we will check your healing and this appointment is included in the needling package.
Topical Verruca Treatment can be very effective if applied correctly and with persistent treatments. We suggest an average of six treatments is needed. Book a Verruca Assessment to find out more and begin treatment. Follow up appointments are offered at a reduced rate. Book Verruca Assessment
Visit our Podiatry Clinic in Cheriton, Folkestone, Kent to begin treatment and stop the spread of your verrucae.